Tuesday 14 May 2013

ThreeA - 3AA Membership 2013 Pack : The Blanc Hunter.

if travel is searching
and home has been found
i'm not stopping
i'm going hunting
i'm the hunter
i'll bring back the goods
but i don't know when
thought that i could organise freedom
how scandinavian of me
you sussed it out, didn't you?

Bjork - Hunter.

A (mis) interpretation :
Name : Unknown.
Designation: außen / Der Blanc Jäger.
Age : Unknown.
Affiliation : N.O.M.
Ranks : Nom di Sciple 06 - Der Alle Sehen Spezialgruppe.
Std. armaments : N.O.M. Totenmaske; N.O.M. Lebensunterstützung Hilfesystem; Ragnarök - .50 autorevolver x 2; Angantyr - power mace x 1.
Abilities : Panzer Kunst - anti-armour martial art; psionic manipulation; transhuman physiology.
außen was the 6th Nom di Sciple of the All-Seeing Eye elite group. This particular elite group was trained to walk the Path of the Seer, which was the longest, most treacherous, most complex and rarest of the Threefold Path of N.O.M. However, those whom undertook this Path would be the most powerful psykers amongst the N.O.M. faction. A single individual could mind wipe and machine hack, simultaneously, an entire company of warbots and infantries alike. They could affordlessly take over the controls of the Melchizedek terminals, battle ships and orbital satellites. They worked closely with the both the Daywatch and Nightwatch Chapters to monitor the N.O.M. targets' movement.
außen was the 6th and the last Nom di Sciple to be initiated by the Supreme Mother before the Fallens Uprising. He remained steadfast to the loyalist side and though he was a then a neophyte, he fought bravely against the renegades. He achieved notoriety during the Second Winter War campaign on Terra, a military conflict between the Terra's Deep Powder Corps and the Ecclesiarchy of Mars' Frateris Militia in the Fennoscandia sector and the Karelian Isthmus sub-sector, beginning in 1941, of which außen led a N.O.M. clandestine hit and run operations upon both warring factions which would eventually led to the termination, with extreme prejudice, a chief commander of the Terra force, which was foreseen by the N.O.M. would be eventually responsible for the utter destruction of the entire Norge sector, claiming twelve million lives in a subsequent nuclear holocaust. außen was tasked with the prevention of the occurrence of the cataclysm. He was also referred to as the Blanc Hunter, for his extremely effective skills in hunting down designated targets, be it warbots, Terran grunts and Martian sloggers alike.  He rarely machine hack or mind wipe his targets, preferring to end their existence via death through physical or reality manipulation and/or energy manipulation. The name Blanc Hunter struck fears into the hearts of grunts and sloggers, like some forms of bogeyman, during the brief resting period in between combats. No one actually claimed to have seen him. Those that do were boasting and lying, for außen leaves no trails, only dead bodies and destroyed carcass of the despised warbots. Some concerns were raised about his method, akin to the by now excommunicated Dirty Deeds elite group, though none of the multi-possibilities and paths of the future indicate außen would turn to the Path of Damnation. Nevertheless, it gained him a certain degree of distrust as time went by, and within the N.O.M., he was truly the "outsider", ironically befitting his alias. He left the asteroid fortress monastery frequently, undertaking tasks and missions without resting, partly to be away from the rest of the N.O.M. and partly because of his inherent nature to travel and to hunt down N.O.M. enemies, particularly the renegade Fallens. However, during the Fallens assault on N.O.M. loyalistsaußen returned and proved himself to  be fiercely loyal to the Threefold Path and his fellow battle-brothers and sisters. He singlehandedly engaged the Fourth, former Nom di Sciple of Barguest de Plume the Hellhound, renegade and leader of the Bleeding Eyes warband, to buy time for the others to launch a counter-attack. außen battled the 4th within the astral plane as well as in real space simultaneously. But he was defeated and as außen  neared death, the Fourth tried to corrupt him in the ways of damnation and the wrongs of the Supreme Mother's Threefold Paths, of which he fiercely fought off, and in a supreme show of effort, außen unleashed a psionic detonation which screamed across the vacuum of space and time, effectively rendered the Fourth powerless and crippled, albeit temporarily, but enough time for the loyalist to gather the strengths to defeat him before retreating once more into the darkness of space. außen survived, and the name Blanc Hunter, continued to be mentioned by individuals, like a white death coming to reap the very souls of those in the battle fields of the Great War. He was said to have occasionally forged an uneasy alliance with the banished Fantôme de Plume and his fearsome Bards of Twilight warband during their journey to atone for their mistakes and roles in the Uprising, and their subsequent eternal journey of pertinence.


This is the ThreeA's 2013 3AA membership pack. The membership is offered annually at the beginning of each year, and it gives members discounts, access to certain exclusives figures. That's primarily why I subscribed to it. The 2013 version comes in a nicely packaged, minimalistic designed box, very designer-like, with a Ashley Wood artwork reprint, a 1/6th "Nom di Sciple" figure called The Blanc Hunter (in early promos), or the 06, a "3A Ordinance T-Shirt" contained within a plastic bullet casing, and of course the membership card. I couldn't wear the t-shirt as I specified a wrong size as in the case of KDA. It is not as "offensive" as Esther puts it regarding the Lasstranaut one, so maybe now I could pass it to her.  But then, I am worried she might says that the inscriptions are kind of "nerdy/childish" for a thirty something woman to be seen in. Sigh. Now, the figure is nothing different from the Nom di Sciple 27, same accessories and designed, except for the colourway, the 06 being white while the 27 is well, black. I noted that initial "promo pics" have a slighter greenish accent. But like the late MJ sang, it doesn't matter if its black or white. The signature 3A weathering is there, nice, but still subject to paint drying concerns due to the Tropics weather, I think. The 06 doesnt' have this concern, but the 27's boots and some of the TKs' gloves have begun to show abit of paint "wetness". A nice, well airing in the open is in order I suppose. The details are all there, the 06 stahlhelm has a  "außen" with cubes-like symbol print on it. A quick check with the Googie Translate, it says "outside" in German. The figure articulation is well, as articulated as it can be, except that it is kinda "loosey" on the wrist joint, again like the 27. And like 27, the grip on the "hand cannons" is quite loose, falling off easily. And the boots, woo, that's nice. No more molded ones. The sole curiously reminds me of a certain brand with "bouncing soles". Overall, a nice addition to the 3A collection, and though I have cut down a lot on the 1/6th collections, selling off majority of it, including some of the 3A ones, I do not see myself cutting off 3A totally, being a fan of Ashley Wood's arts and stuffs. In fact, it might even swing the other way 'round or as long as the fun's still there. All these figures, are a nice, tangible representation of his stylised arts but a tight focus and discipline is required. Hey, what discipline, I bought only what I like anyhoo. Never the herd mentality. And 3A's recent released of Ash's prototype pics of a stylised Iron Man is definitely on the list. What a controversy it has begun to generate. Which is why when "yum cha" with fellow friends on this hobby, I was always on the end of the stick when it comes to 3A. Why not the MSG's Rex? Or the Halo's Spartan? Just too realistic, not stylised by Ash. Oh, ThreeA "honoured" fans whom had been subscribing to their membership since year one, that's five years ago, with extra accessory called the "NOM Prey (or is that Pray?) Box", available only to the veterans. Hhhmm, must start eyeing for a loose one in the secondary market. Again, the mis-representation above is "siphoned" from Games Workshop's WH40K background and Lexicanum. And with that, the 3A collections allow me to re-imagine them in my own "universe", albeit in its own weird manner. I honestly don't even know half of the stuffs which I wrote and how many times I have ret-conned for each characters. But, bottom line is, its fun for me that way. And makes me enjoy the ride...while it last. 

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